The modern era requires modern solutions. Problems of tradition persist. But the age of the internet opens the door to all new possibilities and ways of doing things. Paper has gone digital. Record-keeping has gone digital. And now training and development have gone digital. The Learning Network exists in the digital space. We have harnessed the power of digital to bring together a network of companies, products and services that create 21st-century eLearning solutions.
Our high-impact learning solutions and products encompass four pillars of eLearning.
- Business Learning
- Content Development
- A Digital Marketplace
- Sales Channel Management
The Learning Network encompasses groups of products and services that serve one of those four pillars. This gives us a wide reach. Our solutions stretch into many industries. But how do they do it?
Well, you could make Business Learning a Breaze®. Companies often struggle with how to train their people. What tools are available to enhance in-house training and development efforts? Consider a solution that allows you to quickly and easily create eLearning training courses for your employees. Now imagine being able to access comprehensive and analytics and useful data, and do it all over a range of devices.
Content development is fun. Why? Because then we get to play with 3D virtual reality, augmented reality and video production. Full-service eLearning includes advanced technologies like these. Applying 2D and 3D motion graphics and interactive reality simulations to a training environment sounds incredible, doesn’t it? These are the fun toys of the future.
But what’s in the Digital Marketplace? Here we help companies connect, sell courses, and share content. Still well within the umbrella of The Learning Network, we create digital ecosystems and FUSE learning and collaboration between manufacturing teams and networks. These public or private communication, training, and tracking solutions bring legacy operations — such as those in the manufacturing industry — into the digital eLearning space.
Finally, we have Sales Channel Management. This is where we bring a Performance Center to you. Let’s talk about sales for a moment. Companies that survive on sales channels have typically used cumbersome methods and tools to manage their sales channels. Potential sales conversions whither on the vine and die without modern methods. Now imagine a system of record to manage your sales channel that is thoroughly modern. It might be time to bring your partner relationship management needs into the 21st century.
And yet, these are just a few examples of the possibilities within The Learning Network. There are many more who do great work in the digital space within our family. We all work together to help define business and education technology in the 21st century.