Considerations for your next in-person, online or hybrid training sessions
Better training is within your reach! That sounds simple, right? Yet, we all know it takes a bit more effort than just saying we will make it better. The pandemic elevated the sudden need to shift to online learning, yet it doesn’t mean online learning is the only way to move forward in a post-pandemic era.
Hybrid learning combines elements of traditional, in-person training with online tools. It is a successful way to merge both styles of learning and training. Regardless of the type of training you choose, it’s important to take into consideration elements of your training as we describe below.
Don’t let this list overwhelm you, however. We will also explain how we can help you through this process of creating — or revising — the training sessions best for you and your organization.
Consider the order of your lessons. Are they in the best order for learning? Would changing the order reduce or remove repetition? You may find that changing the order of your lessons is just what you need to breathe new life into your training sessions.
Consider beyond the percentages and numbers. How are your people feeling during and after the training sessions? Are they noticing improvements of their own feelings and attitudes? These questions measure “soft metrics” and often reflect how well the training will last in implementation moving forward. Surveys, interviews and observations are great ways to document and notice these soft metrics.
Consider how employees are using new skills. Different strategies can be included within training lessons to ensure new skills go from training sessions to real-life interactions. These can include following up with employees, providing rewards and incentives, providing additional training, encouraging employees to support each other and having employees work in groups outside of their typical job requirements.
Consider the length of your training. If your training is too short or too long, attendees will feel they aren’t getting enough or being overwhelmed with information. This perfect length isn’t always a magic number of minutes or hours. Instead, it considers your content and your delivery system (classroom, online or hybrid). The timing also needs to take into account how each training unit fits into the overall plan and the best types of lessons to use to deliver the training.
Consider the homework within your training. Homework at any age can bring strong emotions into play! Homework should always motivate a learner, not discourage them. When homework is used properly within training, attendees will learn to further grasp and implement what they are learning. This also comes down to how you present the homework in type and overall advancement of knowledge.
Consider what you can let go of. How many of your company rules highlighted in training say what can’t happen? Often company rules truly stifle creativity and discourage employees. Take a look at your company rules with the eyes of a new employee. What is welcoming within your rules? What hinders them? What rules are really not necessary at this time? It may be time to rewrite some of these rules and policies and provide an updated employee handbook with a training session.
Consider asking for feedback. It isn’t just about asking for feedback after training sessions but asking for the right feedback. Questions about the quality of the training are great right after training concludes. Questions about the implementation of the training ideas and materials need to occur over some time as those aspects become more routine. This doesn’t mean asking once a few days after training. It means returning to asking in the weeks and months ahead. Don’t forget it isn’t enough to just ask for feedback but to review it and consider the responses.
Again, we don’t want this to overwhelm you but instead partner with you in providing additional insight into these considerations as well as provide you further guidance on customizing the learning experience for your team. We look forward to furthering conversations with you after you review our free e-book Unlock the Secrets to A Successful Hybrid Learning Strategy.